Wednesday 27 February 2013

Rabbit, Clown and Angel: my puppy Amie with 10 weeks

Angel: During a massage and snooze session
I cannot believe one month has gone by so quickly. And it is even more difficult to believe this as I am looking at my 10 week old dog who has grown into a teen dog over night :D

Rabbit: When she jumps and runs around, she's just too
fast for our slow mobile cam ;)
Her paws have always been disproportionate to her size but she is much more stable and balanced now when walking, sitting and lying, bumping her way through our house, yard and our closed street like a happy rabbit.

She is our little Angel who loves long cuddles and chest massages, sometimes a real clown entertaining us until we cry, impressing us with her courageous leaps and stair climb attempts and from time to time of course she's the female version of the naughty Michel from Luneberga too when she decides that the thing she most loves is hunting the broom and rolling in our construction sand heap. And following every footstep we take.
Clown: We often cry laughing at her funny stunts

In a month or so, when she’s at least 3,5-4 months old, we will take her to the beach for the first time, cannot wait to see her surprise at the salt water and her joy when jumping into this huge sand pit =) 

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I've had the pleasure of meeting Amie last month. I can only confirm what you wrote about her ;)
